Slurm: Job Performance

seff and sending mails

All login nodes and the slurm controller provide the seff utility script. With seff gives a quick overview of a jobs performance, e.g.

user@login$ seff 23320079
Job ID: 23320079
Cluster: pleiades
User/Group: ...user.../
State: COMPLETED (exit code 0)
Cores: 1
CPU Utilized: 00:00:13
CPU Efficiency: 19.12% of 00:01:08 core-walltime
Job Wall-clock time: 00:01:08
Memory Utilized: 3.86 MB
Memory Efficiency: 0.00% of 16.00 

The metrics are:

  • CPU Utilized: How many seconds the CPU were busy
  • CPU Efficiency: Ratio of active CPU time to the maximum possible with requested number of cores
  • Job Wall-clock time: How long the job was running
  • Memory Utilized: Largest seen memory utilization
  • Memory Efficiency: How much of the requested memory was used at peak

Slurm is able to send mail notifications about a job state with the the --mail-user and --mail-type options of srun and sbatch:

$ sbatch --mail-type=BEGIN,END,FAIL

Here, BEGIN,END,FAIL is a list of events where notifications are send, i.e. when the job starts, stops, or fails. For all available mail-types, refer to

The seff script is automatically executed and sent together with the END notification, to inform about the job performance.


The third party script reportseff has been installed on all login nodes. It can provide a quick overview of your jobs performance:

reportseff example report

  • TimeEff: How much of the requested job time has been used
  • CPUEff: Ratio of active CPU time to the maximum possible with requested number of cores
  • MemEff: How much of the requested memory was used at peak


You can use reportseff -u <username> to show all jobs from the past week. If the output is weird, use --no-color to disable the color command line parameters.


A low TimeEff means, you can use a shorter time limit for your job, which is easier and faster to be scheduled by Slurm. A TImeEff 100% occurs, if your job hits the maximum time limit.

A low CPUEff means, your job is not utilizing the requested cores very well. They could be limited by network or disk I/O. If you suspect the disk I/O, try working in a local work directory in /tmp. If the application itself is inefficient at scaling to larger numbers of cores, you could run with less cores or try to optimize the application itself.

A large MemEff means, your job is utilizing the requested memory. Everything below 100% is probably fine, as long as your job runs as expected. A very large percentage above 100% could mean that your application expects more than 3800MB of memory per core. In this case, submit your job with a specific --mem request or increase the number of cores without using them. If MemEff gets exceedingly large, your job might be canceled (out of memory), which can be caused by memory leaks etc.