Apptainer (until recently Singularity) is the most common containerization technology on HPC systems. Containers are a popular way to control software environments on various different platforms/machines.
With containers you can:
- Create a reproducible version of your research software
- Improve reproducibility of your research
- Run software (mostly) independent from underlying hardware and operating system
- Improve software quality, e.g. through continuous integration
Different Compiler Versions Using Apptainer
The container management program singularity is installed on the system. If you need a different compiler version in order to be able to compile your program, you can download them as an image from the docker hub by using the command
apptainer pull docker://gcc:<version> # e.g. version 13.2
This will create a .sif file in your current directory. You can then use the command
apptainer shell <your-.sif-file> # e.g. gcc_13.2.sif
to get an interactive shell using the specified compiler version. Compile your program in the way you need to and log out of the container in the usual way.
Apptainer and MPI
Apptainer can be used to execute MPI-processes in a container. This can be done by using
mpirun apptainer exec <your-.sif-file> </path/to/program>
Note the order of calling MPI and apptainer. Apptainer will connect the MPI runtime environment on the host system with the MPI processes in the container.
Also see for more on this topic.
Apptainer and GPUs
You can use GPUs from within a container. Most important is running a gpu-prepared container with the --nv
flag, e.g.:
apptainer run --nv tensorflow_latest-gpu.sif
For more information, please read in the apptainer documentation:
CentOS 7 Environment with /cvmfs using Apptainer
If you need a CentOS 7 environment on any machine that runs AlmaLinux 9, you can use Apptainer to create a container with CentOS 7 setup. To do so, first, download the CentOS 7 image from the Docker Hub by using the command:
apptainer pull docker://centos:7
This will create a Singularity Image Format (SIF) file named centos_7.sif
in your directory.
Opening an Interactive Shell in the CentOS 7 Container: You can explore and execute commands within the CentOS 7 container by opening an interactive shell. Use the following command:
apptainer shell centos_7.sif
Mounting /cvmfs Inside an Apptainer Container: To access CernVM-FS (/cvmfs
) from within the container, bind-mount the host /cvmfs
directory inside the container. Open an interactive shell with the mounted /cvmfs
by using the command:
apptainer shell --bind /cvmfs:/cvmfs centos_7.sif
Running a Slurm Job with CentOS 7 and CVMFS: To submit a Slurm job with CentOS 7 and CVMFS (e.g.,
) , you can create a script with the necessary configurations. For example:
#SBATCH --job-name=centos_cvmfs_job
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --time=00:30:00
apptainer exec --bind /cvmfs:/cvmfs /path/to/centos_7.sif /path/to/
Before submitting the job to the Slurm scheduler, ensure the executable has executable permissions:
chmod +x /path/to/
A simple
can be:
echo "Hello from within the CentOS 7 container!"
echo "CVMFS contents in /cvmfs/:"
ls -l /cvmfs/
Now, you can submit the job: